How I became... Mrs. P
We'll call these pictures of my husband and I "before" & "after" this can be interpreted with a double meaning... either "before we married" & "after we married" OR "before this blog post I was alive" & "after this blog post, the previous will be questionable"
you'll see why... MWHAHAHA
My heart belongs to the one on the far right...
This was me (and precious Taylor) when Aaron and I met; I was a physical therapy assistant for children with special needs.

Meet the parents
My first dinner out with Aaron's family at Cherokee Cattle Company
(Hence the saddle)
The first time I saw him in his dress blues - wow (I'm pretty sure I drooled a little) - Aaron was a groomsman in Boomer and Mallory Bates' wedding (you'll meet them shortly)
Aaron lying down with my little sister Morgan (then age 9) because she didn't want to fall to sleep on her own... totally priceless
Aaron lying down with my little sister Morgan (then age 9) because she didn't want to fall to sleep on her own... totally priceless
December 26th, 2005
My whole family was in on his proposal, I was sitting on the couch with my eyes closed, waiting for the gift he just "couldn't wait until Christmas to give me" this is what I heard while in the dark - front door slamming - waiting waiting waiting - front door opening. My dad: "Aaron that looks really heavy, do you need some help" Aaron: grunt, grunt, no thank you, I've got it" Aaron: "sweetie, open your eyes" Me: "sob, sob... sob sob sob." I was overwhelmed with love...
May 2006
just a few weeks before our wedding. Aaron was getting ready to start deployment work up, I wasn't going to see him again until our wedding so I road tripped with some friends and got an amazing weekend at the beach with him. Unforgettable.
June 25, 2006 I am my beloveds and he is mine
(I was totally stoked that I was a "June bride")
I remember watching him and taking this picture. Secretly every girl can't wait to share a home with the man she's waited for. We got 1 month before he deployed and I was totally enthralled with being his wife... and apparently watching him shave...
(I was probably thinking something along these lines; "Oh my gosh... there's a man... in a towel... in my bathroom... and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him!")
on our way to North Carolina, to stay with the Bates' for the second half of our month together
(I'm a total redneck, I gotta have my feet on the dash)
July 2006
Family day for 2/8 Weapons Company
July 26th, 2006 Deployment Day
Boomer and Mallory, Aaron and I
(Boomer and Mallory are to this day, our dearest friends... I am so thankful Boomer and Aaron introduced us)
Saying goodbye
I will never forget how this moment felt. It's almost unreal to know you won't lay your eyes on the one you love for so long. Just after this was taken we said a final goodbye, he got on the bus, held his hand up to the window and signed 143. He had always done that when he would leave from coming home to see me. I don't think I was breathing.
Mal and I just trying to keep it sane - ummm, yea.
smelly poo the love pup, missing her daddy.
Still working on that sanity thing - don't judge...
(I took a funny/crazy/stupid picture for every care package... I wouldn't want him to forget why he fell in love with me)
Homecoming February 21st 2007
We were some of the last to find each other, I walked along all of the buses looking and looking. By the time Mal yelled "SUNSHINE, I saw your husband" I was in tears... I totally thought they left him at Cherry Point (the air station) or in Kuwait... I turned around and he was standing there... UNexplainable
106 Charlton Road, Hubert North Carolina
Our first house
June 25th 2007
Celebrating our first year at the Georgia Aquarium
July 10th 2008
This was taken just before Aaron's dad and I pinned on his badge. I'm - obviously - still incubating Levi.
You + Me = baby we's
November 2nd, 2008
waiting for Levi Asher
November 4th 2008
After an emergency c-section. Levi to this day likes to make a dramatic entrance - and scare the ever livin poo out of his mother
When Emu's attack
a break for brief humor is always necessary when one is sharing memoirs, as to not be too mushy.
(Also: it applies here, this was Levi's first birthday)
Levi's first birthday party
this shirt was the last gift he opened and how we shared with everyone that Blaise was brewing.
July 23rd 2010
I birthed the B-man
Blaise Judah
Daddy overseeing Blaise's care, they were doing a little bit of extra work because as stated before - my sons may have quite possibly inherited my flare for the dramatic... Blaise swallowed 14 cc's of meconium.
You're the peanut butter... to my jelly...
I have chronicled many - but only few of our life's special/pivotal moments thus far... We have seen so much in our just over 4 years of marriage.
but this is why I love him the most...
My sweetheart
this man is 100 percent, totally and completely, my very best friend...
smushy, smushy, smushy...
awe, i really enjoyed this.
So sweet! :) I was so thinking about doing a blog similar to this for our anniversary next week! :)
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