Fishing trip +
Levi (2)
Blaise (7 months)
Mommy (25)
Daddy (28)
(Parental ages included for visual consistency)
= Mass CHAOS/diving in goose poo contaminated lake water to make a daring rescue...
(don't get too worried, it's not what you think)
Yes, you may be thinking:
"Sunshine & Aaron, WHY, did you ever go there?"
This I say to you:
I blame it on a temporary loss of the common sense God gave me...
A brief history lesson...
Sometimes I look around, and think to myself (occasionally out loud) "Did that really just happen?" Anyone who knows me, knows I have an affinity for getting myself into (we'll call them unique) situations... Today was a whopper. Be it catching weird illnesses (once I had something called "Labrynthitis" (an infection of the inner ear, like, way deep down in there) Symptoms: Vertigo (I.E. inability to walk, b/c the world whirls about you, and you're too busy throwing up b/c you can't seem to get a hold of your equilibrium, your speech is slurred, and you walk like someone who's been on a 3 day drinking binge) Yup, I totally caught that, also how I figured out I was preggers with Levi!
(it's just strange, you've got to admit)
more current, but still history...
We have had Levi's "Spida Man" fishing pole hidden in our bedroom for a couple of weeks now because Levi did not understand the concept that fish live in lakes... I'm pretty sure "catching" your baby brother, who is not a fish, nor any other form of aqua life, was not it's intended purpose...
A day that will live in infamy...
(I'll tell it like the tale it is)
"One small step for (Levi), one giant (show) for mankind"
When we laid Levi down for his nap, and laid his head to rest on the promise that if he took a good nap... we were going fishing. One and a half hours later we hear from Levi's room "DADDY, MOMMY, I ONNA GO FISHIN, I ONNA GO FISHIN!"... Aaron and I looked to one another adoringly "AWWWWWWE... He's so excited" says I.
In preparation for our trip, Aaron took Levi to the back yard and showed him how to cast and reel (obviously assistance was required.) We got everything together, (Spida man fishing pole included) Fishing is actually a special and favorite past time for Aaron and I, we did a lot of it in North Carolina (I did most of the actual catching, muhaha) So... We were super excited to pass on our favorite past time to our 2 year old (again, what were we thinking?)
We got to the Lake, got everything out of the car... Blaise was sleeping (perfect) ... (he woke up 2 seconds later)... We made our way to the shore line and set Levi up with his pole... he was content slapping it in the water, screaming "COME HERE FIIIIIIIIIIIISH"... Aaron and I cast a few lines, Blaise was content in the stroller... things were going nice and smooth (aside from massive amounts of goose poo) Levi and I decided to walk down the shore line, and Aaron stood by Blaise working on his pole. As we made our way down the shore line a little ways, Levi kept getting closer and closer to the water...I kept fussing at him and telling him to stay back (anyone who knows my child knows he's about as stubborn as fat on butter) I cast my line and was reeling away while watching Levi throw rocks in the water and... SPLASH! (oh my gosh) Levi slipped on mud, and fell in the water (and goose poo) thank the Lord the water was only about 5 inches deep, he came out muddy, but none too worse for the wear (Thank you Jesus)
By that time Blaise had decided he loathed the car seat (attached to the stroller) So Aaron and Blaise were making their way toward us...
We cast a few more lines and then IT happens...
Out of the corner of my eye I see something moving toward the lake...
I see a man running...
I re-adjust my focus and realize, our stroller AND car seat... has plunged to it's death (okay, less dramatically, it's goose poo'd soaking) and is sinking rapidly (pacis, shoes, two sweet teas, baby toys and some sani-wipes all met their demise) Aaron hands me Blaise and takes off running toward the stroller, where a man who saw the tragedy take place was also headed...
this is the worst part...
The stroller was on a FLAT patch of ground, about 6 feet from the shore line, with the BRAKES engaged!!! All we can figure is that a gust of wind (it was extra windy) caught the shade and blew it into the water? I was standing there watching, with a muddied Levi yelling "I NOT WEAVIN" (fat on butter) and my poor poor husband wading into 4 feet of COLD, crap infested water trying to rescue Blaise's stroller and car seat! Some how along the way Aaron got a fishing hook stuck in his flip flop, a few curse words were "muttered" and Aarons flip flops also met their demise by homicide (drowning)
40 minutes, a February swim, a few curse words, a tantrum for "pwetzels", finagling a toddler seat into a rear facing infant seat, a sopping stroller and car seat in the trunk, the eyes of every person around the lake seemingly boring holes into our foreheads, a toddler nervously strapped into a regular seat belt, and a shot set of mommy, and daddy's nerves later... we have just completed out very first family fishing trip...
EPIC FAIL... funny memories
At the time I was so stressed out, I didn't find the humor in the whole situation...
But here's a few thoughts:
(1) Levi only fell in 5 inches of water and goose poo, thank you Jesus for protection (and thank you for a healthy immune system)
(2) Blaise was not in his car seat, again thank you, thank you, Jesus for protection!
(3) Aaron can always buy new flip flops :)
(4) If we had caught that on video, we could have sent it to America's funniest home videos
(it totally would have won)
(5) Prayerfully since we know God covers a multitude, he gave the people witnessing our very public melt down, grace for two flailing, panicked parents just trying to keep it together...
(6) we learned, we will never, ever, EVER, attempt fishing with an infant and toddler again... There is a no fishing until an age 5 MINIMUM.
A day in the life... Thank God for His grace.